Welcome to Crosby Chapel
January 26, 2025
Teaching God’s Word
Pastor Gary Wilderbuer
The power of a grateful spirit in the new year
#4 Being Grateful for Crosby Chapel
Philippians 1:3
Here is what’s happening at Crosby Chapel
Our Awana program is exploding, with new kids coming every week. Because of this, we are in great need of Awana leaders. From 3 years old to students in sixth grade, girls and boys. Pick an age and help spread God’s word to your youth. Awana meets Wednesday nights from 6:30 to 8:00pm. If you can help, please contact Pastor Gary of Rokki.
Our annual congregational meeting will be Sunday the 2nd of February at 11:00am. Everyone is welcome but only members can vote. If you want to be a member contact Pastor Gary
It Is Time for Tea Time Together
A ladies Valentines Tea- You will enjoy music and a special speaker to encourage you in your walk with Jesus. February 8th at 10:00am. Bring a friend and a snack to share. Please sign up by February 2nd, in the foyer
Ladies Bible Study on Wed 11 a.m.
New Study starting Feb. 5,2025
What Love Is by Kelly Minter
study on 1,2,3 John
The next 707 hike is the Green Mountain Loop. 4.8 miles round trip. They leave the church at 9:00am
If you need a giving statement for taxes, please email Rokki, secrerary@crosbychapel.com. You can pick them up in the foyer by the 26th of January
In the Library
Author: R.C. Sproul
Location: Classroom 4, “RC Sproul”
The Bible teaches us that God is holy, but what does that mean? The Bible also teaches us that we should be holy because God is holy, but what does that mean? In this classic book, R.C. Sproul explains what holiness is, how that relates to our lives, and how we can follow God’s command to “Be holy as I am holy.” The Holiness of God is easy to read while also covering very deep theology about who God is, so it’s a great start for deepening your relationship with God
Giving update
Monthly goal in 2025……$ 24,289.00
January giving…....$ 17,159.54
Remember you can give online at our website (contact Rokki for the password) or by mail.
If by mail send to PO Box 218, Seabeck, WA 98380
Prayer Chain Coordinator –
Melody Hanson at 360-830-4431 or e-mail to Crosbyprayers@juno.com.
Rokki Staub is serving as backup at rokkistaub@hotmail.com or 360- 830-4624.
Please call or e-mail to add your prayer requests
Crosby Chapel Information
Pastor Gary Wilderbuer – (360) 830-2327
Church Secretary -Rokki Staub
P.O. Box 218
Seabeck, WA 98380 (360) 830-4311
Office Hours: Mon. – Fri. 10:00 am – 2:00 pm